Sunday 6 December 2015

How to raise a kid??πŸ€•

Hi friends ,
Hope everythng is good at your side , i m Mayuri this is my first blog in dis blog i m going to discuss about the most scariest part of evrywomen life n d best part as well 😊.Being a mother myself its realy difficult to manage home n baby togethr , my son is 1yr 8 months old n hes very naughtyhe's growing   realy fast , he plays around lik every other kid do but d special thing is peopl dnt finds him naughty at all u knw why??
Becoz my husband helpd me alot in d procces of learning n growing of our kid..
1). From day 1 we tried to make schedule lik d sleeping hours n eating tym.
It took a week or so to make it a habbit 
2). During dat tym i started my day 8am n feed him properly thn 2 hrs hes free m free mostly kids sleeps full day but i feed him again at around 11 am n thn his bath n malish bcz he is winter born aftr giving bath i made him sleep at around 12 pm n manged further in every 2 n half hr milk n sleep 
3). Turn of light is d important part keep telling baby its night tym  its tym to sleep..
4). I did 1 mistake i didn't tought him fr loo so u girls can make s habbit of doing shhhhhhhh..😝 in morng as soon as he/she gets up.
So this is how i managed with the tym/schedule for my baby now other thing comes is aticates n well behaved nature ...This nature is inherited from d father but we did a lil more to polish...
What we did??
1). We never shouts on him, we tl him on d spot this is wrong dont do this he understands n dont do 
It is work of patienc with kids they dont listn eaisly but groom thm frm d very beigning bcz they knw dat their parents are right..
2). Dont ever tel thm do ths than we will give u ths we will buy u ths thing n dat thing..
3). Tel thm to keep their things n belongings on d respective places evrytime dont think they r very small to do all this , they r d born genius...
4).Last but nt d least 😷dont raise ur voice wid ny1 n dnt fight in front of ur kids because they adapt fast just show thm that our house is a place of love .. N we all love and respect each other..😊